Research Papers

Gans N., Koole G., and Mandelbaum A., Telephone Call Centers: Tutorial, Review and Research Prospects, Invited review paper by Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM), 5 (2), pp. 79–141, 2003 ; preprint
Mandelbaum A. and Zeltyn S., Service Engineering: Data-Based Course Development and Teaching, INFOMRS Transactions on Education, Volume 11, Number 1, 2010; the special issue on “Teaching Service and Retail Operations Management”(2009) ; full version ;
Armony M., Israelit S., Mandelbaum A., Marmor Y., Tseytlin Y., and Yom-Tov G., Patient Flow in Hospitals: A Data-Based Queueing-Science Perspective, Stochastic Systems, 5(1), pp. 146-194, 2015, extended version ; reproducing EDA via SEEStat ;  
Wilf, M.R., Novikov, I., Ziv, A., Mandelbaum, A., Ritov, Y. and Luxenburg, O., A Novel Methodology to Measure Waiting Times for Community-Based Specialist Care in a Public Healthcare System, Health Policy, June 2020, award 2011
Mandelbaum, A., Momcilovic, P., Trichakis, N., Kadish, S., Leib, R. and Bunnell, C.A., "Data-Driven Appointment-Scheduling under Uncertainty: The Case of an Infusion Unit in a Cancer Center", Management Science, 66 (1), 243-270, 2020
Zychlinski, N., Mandelbaum, A., Momcilovic, P. and Cohen, I., "Bed Blocking in Hospitals due to Scarce Capacity in Geriatric Institutions - Cost Minimization via Fluid Models", Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 22 (2), 396-411, 2020
Miron, R.W., Novikov, I., Ziv, I., Mandelbaum, A., Ritov, Y. and Luxenburg, O., "A Novel Methodology to Measure Waiting Times for Community-based Specialist Care in a Public Healthcare System", Health Policy, 124, (8), 805-811, 2020
Miron, R.W., Novikov, I., Ziv, A., Mandelbaum, A., Ritov, Y. and Tagar, Z., "Towards a National System for Measuring and Public Reporting of Waiting Time for Community-Based Specialist Care", Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 8 (1), 2019
O Garnett, A Mandelbaum, M Reiman, "Designing a call center with impatient customers", Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 4 (3), 208-227